Gamer Rant: Law & Order: SVU’s Atrocious Portrayal of Gamers

Posted on 08. Oct, 2010 by Drew 'Viggo' Bergmark in Videos

So my friend sent me this link earlier today when I got off work.


It’s the opening scene(s) from a recent Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and the way it portrays gamers in this episode, let alone the clip, is atrocious. Its as if the writers were sitting in a room thinking “Let’s see, how can we piss a large group of people off? Oh I know! Let’s portray gamers! And have the ones we feature represent one percent of all gamers!”

It shows the shows lead characters, Detectives Benson and Stabler, arriving at an apartment. They hear screaming and can also hear various noises. They walk in the apartment to find two – I’ll call them cave trolls – cave trolls sitting in a disgusting room playing a video game. This is where you can begin to tell that the SVU writers have NEVER been a gamer, even in the smallest meaning of the word… Benson and Stabler go onto rip the controllers out of the cave troll’s console, forcing them to notice the two cops in their room.

..I’m disgusted, at NBC, at the SVU Producers, and at the SVU Writers. The way they demonize (Yes, thats a word) gamers is disgusting. The way they portray us to be people who sit in our rooms and only play games all day long is, to repeat myself, atrocious.

The two people they portray in this episode of SVU are not gamers, they are scumbags – To the fullest. These cave trolls are two low life people that need to be shot for the way they treat(ed) their child, but NBC, and the SVU Producers and Writers need to understand something. People like those in this episode are less than ONE PERCENT of ALL GAMERS. NINTY-NINE PERCENT of GAMERS are young, intelligent, people with great personalities.

The two people shown in this episode of Special Victims Unit are disgusting, and rightfully should be shown as that. The thing I’m pissed off about the most here is if you watch the episode they NEVER say “These people aren’t regular gamers, they are the fringe of the fringe within the gaming community/culture.” If they would of said that, I would not be writing this – But they didn’t, and so I am.

I’m so mad right now I can’t even think straight.



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