The Lord of the Rings: War in the North – Big Boss Vignette: Barrow-downs Wight Lord
Posted on 10. Oct, 2011 by Drew 'Viggo' Bergmark in Developer Diaries, Gameplay, Preview, Trailers, Videos
Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Snowblind Studios have released a new vignette for their upcoming Action RPG, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North. Middle-earth is home to creatures more fearsome than orcs. More cunning than trolls. More loathsome than giant spiders.
Lurking in the forgotten tombs of Barrow-downs, dwelling amongst the fallen dead, the Barrow-wights wait under reign of the Barrow-wight Lord. Revealed in this new video, the Barrow-wight Lord has overtaken this sacred Ranger burial ground. He uses magic and minions most foul to spread the rule of evil in the darkness and death of his lair.
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North arrives on November 1st in North America and the 25th in Europe while Aussie gets it on the 2nd.
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