Gears of War 3 – NEW Multiplayer Footage

Posted on 07. Oct, 2010 by Drew 'Viggo' Bergmark in Gameplay, Videos

I’m not exactly sure if this was leaked by accident, on purpose, or was suppose to come out. But either way, there is new Multiplayer footage from Gears of War 3, and we’ve got the videos.

In the first video, you watch a Locust player partaking in the killing of some COGs, and in the second you see a COG player doing the opposite. In both videos you see new costumes, executions and can even see Anya push a meatshield down a flight of stairs with a frag attached to score a double kill.

Edit – Upon some detective work on my part, it seems that CliffyB and Rod Fergusson sat down for an interview with Gamespot and gave them this footage to play along with the interview. To watch the interview, click


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