Crackdown 2 City Glider Achievement

Posted on 20. Jul, 2010 by Brandon "Assassin" Brunstad in Guides, Videos

First off in order to obtain the City Glider achievement, you will need to have access to the wing suit, in order to get your wing suit you need to have level 5 agility. The easiest way to do this is have a friend fly you to the top of the agency tower in a helicopter and jump out. This can do this alone though. After you are as high as you can go jump off of the helicopter and press Y to activate your wing suit, once you start gliding press up on the left stick until the stream behind you turns red, once it turns red pull back on the left stick to gain your altitude. Just continue doing this over and over, all you have to do is glide to the shores of all the main islands in Pacific city.


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