Bioshock 2 Master Protector Achievement/Trophy

Posted on 17. Feb, 2010 by Brandon "Assassin" Brunstad in Guides, Videos

This trophy is fairly easy to obtain and can be done on the very first gather, here’s how: Set the difficulty to easy, max out your trap rivets, now set your trap rivets going up both sides of the stairs and on the floor and walls on both sides of the vending machines. Make sure you save just before you set your little sister down to start gathering. I stayed behind the little sister with my back against the door. Most of the enemies that attack you at first will come at you with melee weapons so kill of the ones that make it through the trap rivets. As you get close to the end of the gathering, you will notice the door behind you looks like its being cut open. Make sure there are no more enemies behind you and focus your attention on the door. As soon as it opens make sure to kill of the enemies as quickly as possible as they will be carrying guns and one shot from them will void the achievement/trophy. I saved just before the door opened just to be safe. Hope this helps.


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