Uncharted 3 multiplayer gets Theater Mode

Posted on 21. Oct, 2011 by Drew 'Viggo' Bergmark in Gameplay, Trailers, Videos

Taunting, customizing your characters, and creating your emblem are just a small portion of what you can do to create your own multiplayer experience. The PlayStation.Blog caught up with Game Designer Robert Cogburn to acquire some in-depth information about how you can play, create and share UNCHARTED 3’s multiplayer experience. Learn about some of the other cool stuff you can do in-game in the video.

Uncharted 3 is taking off from your PS3 on November 1st 2011.


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One Response to “Uncharted 3 multiplayer gets Theater Mode”

  1. J-C M.

    19. May, 2013

    Uncharted 3 cinematics are great… but only 50% of them will ever save. Why? Because ND made it so that the matches you join in will not save, and you mostly JOIN matches in progress anyway. What a dumbass idea considering all my greatest moments were in matches i joined late. Thks alot ND, what a fail!

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