Red Dead Redemption: Explosive Rifle Challenge Rank 3

Posted on 23. Sep, 2010 by Brandon "Assassin" Brunstad in Guides, Videos

Kill 3 enemies with one shot. Easiest way I found to complete the explosive rifle challenge rank 3 in Red Dead Redemption was at Fort Mercer. After you climb into the hideout, go after the 3 enemies to your left. Just use your lasso and hog tie them then put them all together. Once you have them all together step back and take a shot with the explosive rifle.

Explosive Rifle Challenge Rank 2

Explosive Rifle Challenge Rank 4

Explosive Rifle Challenge Rank 5


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2 Responses to “Red Dead Redemption: Explosive Rifle Challenge Rank 3”

  1. Dazz Noob

    16. Feb, 2011

    There is an even easier way to do this challenge. At Armadillo saloon, some of the gang members hang round in the saloon. The amount that are present is random each time, but it can be up to 4 members. Shoot at the table they are sitting around and you complete the challenge. Be careful though, innocents may die and you will have to pay off a witness or fight/escape the law.

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  2. Drew

    13. Jun, 2013

    It’s impossible to lasso those three guys without being killed

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