Gears of War 3 Announced

Posted on 13. Apr, 2010 by Drew 'Viggo' Bergmark in Trailers, Videos

Gears of War fanboys can rejoice; The third installment in their favorite game series has officially been announced, and been given a street date. That street date? Well, there has been confusion between Microsoft, Epic, and other Gamer Media sites about the official day so I’ll just say early April 2011. The Project Lead, Cliff Blizinski (aka CliffyB), was on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night and you can watch his interview here. As you’ll see in the interview, CliffyB talks about Gears of War 3, and even releases the announcement trailer, which can be seen below. Gears 3 will certainly be one of the bigger games of 2011, and personally I’m hoping it will be a better game than Gears of War 2 was/is.

The trailer is titled “Ashes to Ashes”.


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